Group Lending

A loan applicant shall be a member of a group with a maximum of 25 members and the only form of collateral is the group collateral (i.e. the existence and membership of the group itself) and the mode of repayment of the loan is on a gradual weekly basis. All repayment of loans must be made within 20 weeks after the first week of loan disbursement. The interest rate is convenient and subject to economic relation.


  1. One guarantor who must be from the family of the client.
  2. Passport photograph of member
  3. Passport photograph of guarantor.
  4. 4 weeks of probation period.
  5. Upfront savings 10% of loan to be applied for in the case of a new client and 20% of the loan to be requested for in the case of existing clients.
  6. Insurance 1% of loan requested.
  7. Fixed deposit of 1000 for all new clients.
  8. Photocopy of identification card of guarantors.

Mode of Payment

  1. Weekly
  2. Monthly